HomeVeteransFreedom Rocks Poker Run Waiver Utah Tech University Freedom Rocks Poker Run Waiver Poker Run Waiver WAIVER and RELEASE OF LIABILITY Please carefully read before checking the box. Each participant must submit a completed registration and a signed copy of this Rider Agreement, Release, and Waiver. Late registration and payment will be accepted up to and including the date of the Event. All participation fees are non-refundable. The Event will start at approximately 9:00 AM and will conclude at approximately 1:00 PM. The “Freedom Rocks” Poker Run (“Event”) is a motorcycle/vehicle event where participants visit checkpoints to draw playing cards and build a poker hand. The goal is to have the best poker hand at the end of the Event. The Event is exclusively dedicated to raising funds for student Veterans in pursuit of educational goals. All participants are expected to remain respectful to all other participants at all times. The “Road Captains” and “Event Coordinators” help ensure everyone’s safety, participants must follow their directions. Please report any violation of the rules to a Road Captain and/or Event Coordinator immediately. All vehicles (motorcycles, cars, trucks) used for the Event must be properly registered and insured. Drivers must be properly licensed. The use of alcohol and/or any substance that affects the ability to operate or control a vehicle, or which may be considered hazardous to the health and safety of participants and spectators, is strictly prohibited. Any participant found to be in violation of this rule will be immediately removed from the Event. All State and Local traffic laws will be observed. Uniformed police officers may be present during the Event and will take enforcement action on observed violations. Stunt riding and/or other negligent or reckless conduct of any kind will NOT BE TOLERATED. Any participant found to be in violation of this rule will be immediately removed from the Event. In order to provide room for maneuverability, participants are asked to ride in small groups in a staggered formation. Please try not to bunch up or ride side-by-side. Use a single line spread out formation for narrow roads. If a participant must leave the road, do so in an open and safe area. If for any reason, a participant must leave the Event, please alert the Road Captain and indicate whether assistance is needed. This is NOT a race or timed event. BE SAFE! Please be a defensive and courteous motorist. HAVE FUN, enjoy the ride and camaraderie with the other participants. Waiver and Release of Liability I have read and agree to the terms above RIDER RULES AGREEMENT I do hereby understand and agree as follows: I have read the Event Rules and agree to follow them. Participation in the “Freedom Rocks” Poker Run (“Event”) is a potentially hazardous activity. I am medically able and properly trained to participate in the Event. I assume all risks associated with participating in the Event including, but not limited to, falls, contact with other participants, the effects of the weather and traffic, vehicle accidents, and any and all other such risks whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated by me. I understand that my picture may be taken and I agree that Utah Tech University may use my name and/or likeness with regard to promotional and/or advertising materials. I understand and agree that Utah Tech University is not responsible for my safety or the security of my vehicle. I accept full responsibility for the liability of myself and my passengers (if applicable). I understand and agree that Utah Tech University and its personnel are not in any way responsible for the safety of such transportation and that the State of Utah insurance does not cover any damage or injury suffered in the course of traveling or participating in the Event. I have a minimum auto insurance coverage of $100,000. I understand that Utah Tech University does not provide coverage for damage to my vehicle and that the only recourse for damage to my vehicle may be my own insurance policy. I understand that while participating in the Event, any careless act on my part, and/or failure to follow the Event Rules, will result in my immediate disqualification to participate in the Event. I agree to indemnify and hold harmless the State of Utah and Utah Tech University, its Board of Trustees, directors, officers, employees, and agents (collectively referred to as “Utah Tech”) from any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney’s fees, arising out of my participation in the Event and while travelling to and from the Event. I agree to reimburse Utah Tech for any such expenses incurred. I, for myself, heirs, personal representatives, and assigns, do hereby release, waive, discharge, and promise not to sue the State of Utah and/or Utah Tech University, its Board of Trustees, directors, officers, employees, and/or agents (collectively referred to as “Utah Tech”) from liability from any and all claims, including the negligence of Utah Tech, resulting in personal injury (including death), accidents or illnesses, and property loss and any other indirect or consequential damages, resulting directly or indirectly, wholly or in part, from my participation in the Event and while travelling to and from the Event. By submitting this registration, you agree to the terms of this Rider Agreement, Release, and Waiver. Rider Rules Agreement I have read and agree to the terms above Right to Refuse Utah Tech University reserves the right to refuse entry to anyone at our discretion and without details or reason. Right to Refuse I have read and agree to the terms above Rider's Name This field should contain the first and last name of the rider or passenger who is agreeing to the terms of this waiver. Rider's Signature Clear If you are human, leave this field blank. Submit Δ