Utah Tech University

Semester Certification Request

This form must be used each semester to notify the School Certifying Official of the following options:

  • You have registered for classes and request VA certification
  • You are submitting courses that do not fall directly into your degree plan, but have evidence of pre-requisite for future classes
  • Notification of degree plan change also requires submission of the Major Change Form to Registration in addition to completing the form below.
  • To notify of any class change (add or drop) or major (degree) change.

Semester Certification Form

Personal Information


Example: Spring 2025
Reason for Submission: *
You will need to complete a Graduation Application to be eligible for VA benefits

Are you adding classes?
Students may be receive a “round out” of credits up to 12 to remain full-time during their graduating semester and may take or retake any course needed to bring the semester credits to full-time. This option is only available one time.
Are you dropping classes?
It is required that you submit a Major Change Form with registration.

Major changes must use the Major Change Form and submit to registration for processing.
(This does not include FAFSA, VA or Military education benefits)

(It is the student’s responsibility to submit copies of the FTA/STA/STW authorization documents to the UT Veterans Success Center for processing)

For a Complete Withdrawal, you are required to submit the registrations' Complete Withdrawal Form.

Please check your Certificate of Eligibility (COE) and then select the correct chapter

Please complete the Hardship Request Form and deliver to the Veterans Center, room 116 in the Browning building.

By submitting this form, I acknowledge the following:

  1. I am responsible for the payment of my tuition and fees regardless of VA benefits received.
  2. The VA will not pay for more than 100% of tuition. If you are receiving a Tuition Waiver, Tuition specific scholarships, or any other aid specifically earmarked for Tuition, that corresponding amount will not be submitted for payment to the VA.
  3. The only registered classes that can be certified are those that fall within my degree plan.
  4. It is my responsibility to notify the Veterans Coordinator if I add or drop a class. (including block classes)
  5. Classes can be purged for non-payment of tuition if I have an outstanding balance with Utah Tech University
  6. I am also giving permission to the UT Veteran and Military Service staff to share personal information (i.e. grades, tuition, etc) with the following agencies: Department of Veteran Affairs (VA), Department of Defense (DOD) and the Utah Department of Military and
    Veteran Affairs.